Brenda Song目前正在推广Hulu系列娃娃脸接受了青少年时尚的采访关于她的职业生涯 - 她今年31岁,几乎一生都从事业务。当然,大多数人都认识她,就像伦敦蒂普顿(Tipton)Zack&Cody的套房生活谁打电话给OG疯狂的富人亚洲。我年纪太大了,不知道这一点的吸引力,但我可以欣赏整个一代人在系列赛中长大,而对他们来说,布伦达的歌仍然很重要。

Brenda’s making headlines though because of what she told Teen Vogue about疯狂的富人亚洲人:



疯狂的富人亚洲人导演乔恩·朱(Jon M Chu)在Twitter上回答:


我可以确认确实有一个公开的演员电话,因为……我试镜了。我以前谈论过展示你的工作而且在网站上,我想成为电影的一部分,因为我非常喜欢这些书,因为我非常关心这个项目,这是从整个侨民中看到亚洲人的这一刻。因此,我为Kitty Pong提交了试镜录像带,我一直说我想扮演的角色。显然我没有得到任何部分。But the point is, I was sent the slides, a few lines of dialogue that actually ended up in the movie (it’s two scenes: the one when we first meet Kitty, when she’s on a film set and the one at Araminta and Colin’s wedding when Kitty’s dancing with Oliver), and Duana directed me and we did it on an iPhone and I’m telling you this to verify that they were in fact seeing randoms, even a f-cking random blogger from Canada.

也就是说,这并不意味着布伦达对情况的阅读不是真的。When her managers told her that she wasn’t right for the film, her takeaway from that was to think it was because she wasn’t Asian enough and this I understand, as many of us from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds but born and raised in the West might understand. For me personally, I often felt stuck in the in-between of being Asian growing up among whiteness but also, when I was back in Asia, being that I grew up in the West, I didn’t feel completely immersed there either. With that lens, I can relate if Brenda’s reflecting on a history of not feeling truly accepted in either space and that perspective shaping how she internalised the message from the疯狂的富人亚洲人她不适合这部电影的团队。显然,由于我没有和她说话,所以我不能说这是她的来源,但这就是我处理她的故事的方式。她的拒绝感是真实的,这一切都恢复了包容性和代表性以及最可用的叙述种类。这是最重要的。那疯狂的富人亚洲人不是唯一说所有话的地方。如果有更多的项目可以加入疯狂的富人亚洲人创建一个tapestry的独特而多样化的经过nces, the Brenda Songs out there won’t have to feel so othered.

要在《青少年时尚》中阅读有关布伦达的更多信息,click here.