董事行会奖发生在本周末。布拉德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)被提名为最佳导演和最佳董事,并分别输给了阿方索·库伦(Alfonso Cuaron)和博·伯纳姆(Bo Burnham)。我不确定他是否没有赢得第一场比赛,尤其是在学院没有将他纳入奥斯卡最佳导演的五个提名之后。但是,考虑到某些人的受欢迎程度可能是出乎意料的一个明星诞生了从剧本到写音乐再到表演,当然还有导演的事实。

But here’s the thing – the First Time Director award is supposed to recognise someone like Bo Burnham. He’s 28 years old. He came from YouTube.八年级是今年最受赞誉的电影之一。我喜欢这部电影。早在七月,我称呼它我个人最好的电影2018。这是一个没有受益于与克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)和戴维·奥塞尔(David O Russell)和罗伯特·德·尼罗(Robert De Niro)的指导。他提出了一个原始的故事,将其带到了圣丹斯(Sundance),在他第一次淘汰时,这个故事是一个重大成就,不仅是一个重大的“首次”成就,而且是一项成就,其成就与更多的成就保持了自己的成就经验丰富且荣幸的电影制片人。关键是,我不确定这是对布拉德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)的敲门声,而是对博·伯纳姆(Bo Burnham)的才华的承认。


在本周末的DGA小组讨论中,Coop与包括Spike Lee在内的其他提名董事一起登上舞台。他告诉Spike,他十年前为他试镜。显然没有得到零件。Spike甚至都不记得发生了。

这是一个很棒的奖励季节。Spike的反应很有趣。And Bradley Cooper putting that out there, in front of that audience, many of whom are likely Oscar voters, is a solid move – it’s respectful to Spike, it’s self-deprecating, and it’s a reminder of where he is now: he went from auditioning and being rejected to directing an Oscar nominated Best Picture candidate. This is very good work.

他还在活动中的地毯上做得很好周五在Twitter上确认。库普说他很害怕,但他会做准备,告诉ET他会和他一起工作asib声乐教练从下周开始。这里没有什么勉强,没有任何回避,没有人造谦虚,他不会在“ OMG,F-CK,这将是我一生中最令人不安的时刻!”这完全是尊敬的适当平衡,也是实现实现这一目标的实用方法。

至于本周末在拉斯维加斯的加加(Gaga),即使她在最近几周没有在巡回赛上看到的话,但消息是她可能是该学院扭转其决定仅以提名最佳歌曲中的两张决定的原因的原因during the broadcast根据截止日期

生产商想要限制这两首歌s, and the reason the Academy walked back that decision was because either Lady Gaga herself, or her reps, made it clear she felt it was completely unfair to eliminated the three songs — almost like the Academy producers were forecasting who they thought would win — and that she wouldn’t perform if a change wasn’t made. And that’s why the Academy tweeted that all the songs will be shown, even if the tunes are truncated.

That’s a GREAT look on her and of course she would. She’s an artist who supports other artists. But if this is true, if it did go down that way, she spent her capital with the Academy, as a nominee in her first leading role in her first feature film, advocating for other artists. Julia Roberts can dictate to the Academy if she wants to at this point. Lady Gaga giving the Academy some heat, yes, even though she is Lady Gaga and she’s a pop star, is still, for her, a risk especially when she’s just getting into the movie star lane. It basically solidifies what was once lock solid – that she will win Best Song – but it may get a few more points for her in Best Actress voting and in the voting in favour for一个明星诞生了最好的图片。在这场比赛中,一切都会有所帮助。

查看布拉德利(Bradley),白天长出胡须,在DGA上看起来越来越好。伊琳娜·谢克(Irina Shayk)和他在一起,但她没有走地毯。在这里,他们是在托德·菲利普斯(Todd Phillips)坐在晚餐中。