我喜欢Andrea Long Chu书评。我们链接到她的作品Hanya Yanagihara’s writing早在一月份,她阐明了我对阅读的一切沮丧的一切A Little Life和她最近的书到天堂。这并不是说我一定同意安德里亚(Andrea)的一切,而是她本人是一位出色的作家,我经常只是阅读她的评论评论,而没有对本书或作者有任何兴趣。

因此,我几天前才完成了她的最新消息 - 对Ottessa Moshfegh的评论拉普诺瓦和往常一样,安德里亚(Andrea)知道如何吸引我:通过写关于奥特萨·莫什菲格(Ottessa Moshfegh)对Sh-t的关注。就像你的屁股出来的一样。Sh-t is also my obsession…so I savoured every word, as disgusting as that sounds, and then when I was done I read it again, grateful as usual to Andrea for her work but also way more invested in Ottessa Moshfegh than I’ve ever been before; I’ve not read any of her novels but have read a few short stories from her collection想想另一个世界。

然后Ottessa Moshfegh的名字出现在新的副词中布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)的GQ封面故事。像往常一样,作者就是作品的原因。奥特萨(Ottessa)是一位屡获殊荣的作家,我希望我知道这是如何推销的。是想出她写个人资料的想法的杂志吗?这是布拉德团队提出的建议吗?Because even though he’s been able to convince the MiniVan Majority that he’s not one of the most media-savvy and manipulative movie stars in the business who has curated his image as meticulously as an Instagram influencer shapes their social media presentation, the fact is he plays that game at the highest level. Brad Pitt is as cunning as a Kardashian. And he 100% benefits from this piece in GQ written by Ottessa Moshfegh because it gives him all kinds of cred in that world.

看看布拉德(Brad)与这位文学超级巨星的共鸣,交换了鲁米(Rumi)的名言和纳米·纳克(Namechecking Rilke)和爱因斯坦(Einstein),并援引了戴维·霍克尼(David Hockney)和查尔斯·雷(Charles Ray)等著名艺术家的作品。这是一次真正的心理会议!而且……他仍然是纯净的中西部,仍然是奥扎克斯(Ozarks)的盐兄弟,他用双手合作,他通过触摸连接,他一直扎根于字面上,从字面上感受到了地面,从不认为自己在泥土上。

这是布拉德·皮特参与和执行to his own mythology. We are told – through the various people he’s worked with, like Quentin Tarantino and Flea – that he’s the coolest motherf-cker in the business, a consummate Movie Star, a real classic, with a timeless appeal. But not too cool to talk about what I consider to be the most boring subject matter: his dreams or rather his recurring nightmare, which involves being chased and stabbed. And definitely not too cool to reveal that he thinks he has face blindness, which is apparently mortifying to him because as cool as everyone describes him to be, he’s actually not standoffish, he wants to meet people and get to know them, the real them. That’s the foundation of the Brad Pitt mythology – he is one of Hollywood’s most enduring golden gods…but he walks among us. Every time he shows up in GQ, and它上次发生在五年前,它为神话提供服务。

2017年,他谈到了“立面”,没有表面没有表现。毕竟,他是一个演员 - 现在是奥斯卡奖。但是,即使是该奖项也可能对他的表现实际表现有多么出色,而不仅仅是摄像机打开的时候。This is how Ottessa Moshfegh ends her piece, brilliantly, by coming back around to how she started it (Brad’s snore of a dream) and making magic out of nothing, the way the best writers do – telling you everything you need to know about him, and more than he actually ever intended:


To read Ottessa Moshfegh’s profile of an “actor in a movie of [his] own making”,前往GQ