2018年9月的《美国时尚》在这里。如我们所知,碧昂丝是其封面明星。她被泰勒·米切尔(Tyler Mitchell)枪杀,他是第一位拍摄《 Vogue》封面的黑人摄影师。上周,莱尼(Laine1zplayy)写了有关碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的报道。unprecedented control” over the issue, including hand-picking Tyler Mitchell herself and writing her own feature. The story went like this: Beyoncé had dismantled one of the oldest institutions in fashion from the inside, exposing its 126-year history of prejudice and proving the power of Beyoncé.

Conde Nast is now trying to change that narrative. Anna Wintour andcreative director Raul Martineztold Business of Fashion that,“这个概念和摄影师完全是时尚的,特别是劳尔的。”在这句话之后,BOF文章详细阐述了选择的方式。

After being presented with options for photographers, Knowles immediately approved of Mitchell, recognising the historic implications of the choice.

这就是什么碧昂斯says in her Vogue essay about the choice to hire Tyler.

“Until there is a mosaic of perspectives coming from different ethnicities behind the lens, we will continue to have a narrow approach and view of what the world actually looks like. That is why I wanted to work with this brilliant 23-year-old photographer Tyler Mitchell.”

这只是碧昂斯(Beyoncé)在《流行》中的几句句子,她自己的话“被告知要给三叶草希望”。有些人称其为采访,但三叶草的问题(如果有的话)没有出现。这只是碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的非常具体,非常有目的的单词。这与Vogue的常规格式非典型。碧昂丝(Beyoncé)在9月号《 Vogue》中策划了关于她的每一个单词的事实证明,她确实具有“前所未有的控制”,即使是安娜和劳尔将泰勒作为选择,这也是碧昂斯的最后一场电话。正是她的呼吁确保Vogue终于给了黑人摄影师提供了机会。

碧昂丝(Beyoncé)在自己的页面上召集了《时尚》和《像它》这样的机构,他们花了数十年的时间无视有色人种,并否认了与白人同行相同的机会。安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)现在可能正在试图通过将该过程称为“合作”来挽救面部,但他们仍然在126年的时间里雇用了黑人摄影师拍摄封面。是碧昂斯(Beyoncé),一个黑人妇女,终于启发了他们这样做。安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)不能像碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的《下面的段落》(Bey Bey Berder)那样直接与她和她所维持的系统交谈。

“If people in powerful positions continue to hire and cast only people who look like them, sound like them, come from the same neighborhoods they grew up in, they will never have a greater understanding of experiences different from their own. They will hire the same models, curate the same art, cast the same actors over and over again, and we will all lose. The beauty of social media is it’s completely democratic. Everyone has a say. Everyone’s voice counts, and everyone has a chance to paint the world from their own perspective.”

当所有阿姨大喊“讲道”时,这是教会服务的一部分。读碧昂斯的话就像去教堂。这是碧昂斯经文的重申,如果您是信徒,您就会知道。碧昂丝(Beyoncé)是我们的神灵,我们的国王和王后,她一直在以无法克服的影响力伸出并振作黑人创意人。这不是新事物。她走了一系列的包容性和多样性。用她的话来说,她正在加倍自己在艺术中练习的教义。Coachella,卢浮宫,Vogue,Olympiastadion在柏林 - 这些是碧昂斯所证明的地方,对于看起来像她的人来说,这些地方不再是限制的。

“My mother taught me the importance not just of being seen but of seeing myself. As the mother of two girls, it’s important to me that they see themselves too—in books, films, and on runways. It’s important to me that they see themselves as CEOs, as bosses, and that they know they can write the script for their own lives—that they can speak their minds and they have no ceiling.


碧昂斯has also used her platform to showcase black motherhood and pregnancy in a different light than we’re used to from mainstream pop culture for years. Since she rubbed her belly onstage at the VMAs and let us know that our lord and saviour Blue Ivy Carter was in her womb, Beyoncé has been depicting motherhood and pregnancy assomething to be celebrated并受到尊敬,但也是女性的真实,有时甚至是艰难的旅程。她对自己的生育斗争和处理流产感到敞开。现在,碧昂丝(Beyoncé)透露了她在圣双胞胎鲁米(Rumi)和爵士(Sir)出生后面临的可怕的怀孕并发症。

碧昂丝可能是丰富而有力的,但她也是分娩时遭受痛苦的黑人妇女的数量不成比例。碧昂丝(Beyoncé)透露她有紧急剖腹产,而塞雷娜·威廉姆斯(Serena Williams)今年早些时候的启示使人们发现,在美国分娩期间,没有任何财富可以保护黑人妇女。现在我们知道了统计数据。我们知道“黑人妇女与怀孕有关的风险是白人妇女的三到四倍。”耶稣,这令人沮丧。碧昂丝(Beyoncé)故意分享了她的健康努力,以指出她的身体,但我也认为这是对其他黑人妇女说的:“你并不孤单。”


This may be my favourite quote of the whole piece because a) Beyoncé says FUPA and b) she’s saying it in Vogue, a magazine that has historically perpetuated the idea that fuller “arms, shoulders, breasts, and thighs” and FUPAs are not beautiful. She’s also wearing minimal makeup and rocking her natural hair. On the September issue of Vogue. I f-cking love her. Oh, this was also a convenient and very Beyoncé way ofshooting down those pregnancy rumours

有两个标题的碧昂丝问题,epitomize not only what she’s doing in Vogue, but what Beyoncé and her husband have been doing lately through their work. The headings are “Ancestry” and “Legacy.” The legacy of The Carters is something I focused on when I wrote abouttheir joint album一切都是爱。现在,我们用碧昂斯自己的话说了她想要的遗产。她透露,她不得不得知自己的一个祖先是嫁给奴隶的奴隶主。

“I pray that I am able to break the generational curses in my family and that my children will have less complicated lives.”

This “curse” in Beyoncé’s heritage is unfortunately distinctly American. This narrative is one that other black Americans have in their ancestries as well. Slavery is that uncomfortable horrific mark on the history of a country that continues to feel its effects. It cannot be ignored, especially when looking towards the future and especially when America seems hell-bent on repeating its mistakes. Beyoncé is hoping for a future where her children will be even a little more free from the devastating effects of slavery. In a regular feature interview, Clover Hope may have been able to ask some follow up questions about this, like what exactly Beyoncé meant by “less complicated” but we know that isn’t how Beyoncé works. She doesn’t explain her work; she shows it. She’s working on a legacy for her children that will be better than it was for their parents.


当鞋子脱落并在舞台上扔掉时,这是教堂服务的一部分。碧昂斯在《 Vogue》中发表的这些声明是论文,而不是答案。碧昂丝的功能读起来像是编辑的信,而不是名人资料。再次尝试告诉我她没有“空前的控制”。F-CK九月号,这是碧昂斯的问题。

For more of The Beyoncé Issue of Vogue,click here