(1zplayLainey:这篇文章是由我们最新贡献者Cody Kreller撰写的。我知道Cody通过他作为制片人的作品而从Etalk中知道Cody。我最初计划以后再介绍Cody,但随后Beyoncé在没有警告的情况下放下了一首新歌,因为她没有任何警告,因为她是她的。确实,这加快了我们的最初推广。我们很高兴欢迎科迪加入团队!而我们仍在设置他的Laineygossip个人资料 - 羞愧我是因为始终为碧昂丝准备好了 - 您可以在Twitter上与他联系1zplaylol赛事中心@CodyJ并在Instagram上@codosphotos. And now, without further ado… take it away, Cody.)

I've come to expect a lot from Beyoncé. I know this. She knows this. However I don't require her to use her platform for every single thing that masses want her to address. Beyoncé is ubiquitous, but only in a flash – and I love that. She knows the power she holds. So if she wanted to spend Juneteenth out in the sun with her Black husband, and Black kids, minding her own Black business, I would have been totally cool with that. But she didn't. And I'm ecstatic.

For those of you who are unfamiliar, Juneteenth is a portmanteau of June Nineteenth, and marks the day in 1865 when all slaves in Texas were freed, two years after slaves were supposed to be freed when US President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.



“我要回南方 /我回去,后退,后退,”她打开了这首歌。“我的根没有浇水 /种植的地方,像一棵boabab树一样种植。”这在许多层面上都在家里。我是混血儿。我的一个父母是白人,另一个是黑色,我总是觉得自己正在为我长大的白人社区浇水。当我开始在电视上工作,制作娱乐新闻,以迎合白人观众的表演,我很遗憾地发现自己在扮演汤姆叔叔,并试图将黑人展示为少数族裔:穿着良好的,表现良好,表现良好,良好说。直到最近,我一直与我的同事谈论如何在工作,最黑的故事,最热情的故事,被击落或粉刷过。我觉得碧昂丝直接与我说话,但我知道她在与我们所有人说话。

She goes on to sing about Black iconography, like the Ankh, that never gets mentioned much outside of museums, let alone in mainstream music. But it's right before she reaches the chorus where she hits me again:

"Being Black, baby, that’s the reason why they always mad, yeah, they always mad, yeah."





"Trust me, they gon' need an army / Rubber bullets bouncin' off me."

We've all seen the images of protesters injured by police firing rubber bullets at their faces at point blank range. But it's going to take more than that to break this movement. We're fighting for people’s lives, and that's not hyperbole. From Trayvon Martin to Rayshard Brooks, and all the names we know and don't know, before, between, and after.

"Made a picket sign off your picket fence / Take it as a warning."

你知道卑鄙的女孩when Regina George pulls up in the car with her friends and tells Cady, "Get in loser, we're going shopping"? Well, I'm replacing Regina George with Beyoncé: "Get in, Bitch, we're going to tear down the white patriarchy!"

You've got to listen to the song a few times to let things really sink in.


Haven't Black people (to steal a page from Beyoncé) been making lemons out of lemonade for centuries?



但是“黑人游行”不仅仅是一首歌。在我什至听到第一次节拍之前,我收到了碧昂丝在Instagram上发布的通知 - 是的,我已经通知了女王。该帖子将我指向她网站的新页面,其中包含100多家黑人拥有企业的目录。她正在利用自己的力量为社区建立基础设施?她从中获得什么?没有什么。只是使她的人民振奋的乐趣。


所以,谢谢你碧昂丝scen后面的工作es and behind the mic. The song's a bop. I can sit still, in my room, by myself and listen to every lyric. I can dance to this song with my friends while we're drunk. And I did both this weekend with equal pleasure. The Black struggle is sewn through the song, but it's her gift to us for a specific occasion. Juneteenth is not a day of mourning slavery. It's a day of celebrating how far we've come and reenergizing for how far we still have to go. Beyoncé's sending out that call to action through great music, because it's the best way she knows how.