A few hours before the release of Beyoncé’s RENAISSANCE last night, her label, Parkwood,发表声明确认目前没有视觉效果来伴随专辑。


现在可以使用所有16​​条关于文艺复兴时期的抒情视频,但同样,视觉效果却丢失了。正如泰勒·克鲁姆普顿(Taylor Crumpton)本周告诉《卫报》的那样。碧昂斯有意移动”,因此,决定不为她的任何新歌发布单个视频视频的决定都是故意的,意在放大作品的精神 - 碧昂斯要求我们在“广泛的听力之旅”中“无限”,但也是如此文艺复兴时期是对酷儿黑俱乐部生活的历史的致敬,在看到它的原始时代的俱乐部音乐,以这种方式提供作品旨在将这种能量推向现在和未来。一直以来都是倒退的能量。碧昂斯(Beyoncé它在我们的屏幕上。

根据新闻稿,“视觉效果cheduled for a later date” so, of course, we’ll eventually get all the looks, but she obviously doesn’t want the sound to be first defined by our eyes. That, too, is its own “renaissance”, since so much of what we do, collectively, is via our devices; and here is the Queen of Culture telling us to go back to how dance music was meant to be experienced – dance begins with what you hear, aural stimulation spreading and connecting to all the parts of us that make us whole, eventually giving way to the “wiggle”, a full physical release set to her seamless sixteen song soundtrack.

因为这张专辑流了。这是俱乐部复兴,碧昂斯是我们的主持人,DJ - 实际上,您所要做的就是在文艺复兴时期打球,失去了一个小时。The six song opening stretch from “I’m That Girl” to “Break My Soul” is a relentless kick-off that builds and builds, keeping you on the dancefloor (or, in my case this morning, on the treadmill) with a constant injection of classic beats on fresh spins; before Beyoncé the dance boss expertly serves a moment for a breather in between “Break My Soul” and “Church Girl”, switching up the groove and the mood without losing any momentum. Until she cranks it back up again on “Move” for another high funky streak until she closes on “Summer Renaissance”. It's cohesive, smooth, organic – total sonic cohesion, and an exhilarating display of her musicianship and artistic genius.


As we now know, RENAISSANCE is the first of a three-act project so there’s speculation now about the other two acts, and whether or not at least one of them will be the visual accessories to the 16 songs. Obviously we won’t know until she decides we’re ready to know and right now, all she needs us to know is that, well, Beyoncé definitely wasn’t pleased this week about the leak. But even in her acknowledgement of the leak it became a flex of her cultural power:

碧昂斯对那些试图“尽早潜入俱乐部”的人不满意 - 他们将不得不感到失望 - 但在表达她对泄漏者的不屑一顾时,她强调了贝伊夫的忠诚度和残酷性,以关闭它。,为了像往常一样动员形成以保护她。当她的士兵总是武装并准备好时,她怎么会受伤?

现在,这已经不重要了,因为文艺复兴已经开始。这是一个舞蹈运动 - 运动在多个层次上存在。舞蹈是关于运动的,让您的身体表达自己的思想和心情。但是,在这种表达中,尤其是在俱乐部,黑人酷儿社区的成员面对压迫,舞池是一个安全的空间,舞池是家,舞池是灵魂,是灵魂的来源和创造力,喜悦,旺盛和生活。碧昂斯的文艺复兴时期是对这些价值观及其自身抵抗形式的庆祝。

RENAISSANCE is the party and it is the club. And what she’s saying with this album is that you can’t stop the party and you will never shut down the club.
