本曾经在2021年尚未见过Ben Affleck和Ana De Armas。她是古巴新年,仍然穿着他给了她的礼物,但当然还没有狗散步,没有咖啡跑,甚至他们之前都很安静,就像她在爱尔兰加入他时一样安静最后的决斗在去年夏末结束时,猜测一直在延长他们的关系,现在已经越来越多了......这是官方的。因为人们正在报告它:Ben和Ana结束了。


“这是一个相互的和完全友好的东西,”另一个靠近Affleck和De Armas补充说。"They are in different points in their lives; there is deep love and respect there. Ben continues to want to work on himself. He has three jobs lined up and he’s a solid father at home. They are both happy with where they are in their lives."

也许这就是为什么Matt Damon过去几周超过了这么多。But it’s interesting that the source was so clear here on who did the breaking – “she broke it off”, and doesn’t want to be LA-based, even though PEOPLE was reporting as recently as December that Ana had moved in with Ben. That said, they’re at different points in their careers. Ana is just getting started, she has several high-profile projects on the way that were paused because of the pandemic. And, well, the fact is she 100% became more of a household name by association with him. Perhaps, more and more, that was no longer working for her…understandably; most people would want to take their own credit for their own spotlight.


喜欢......她很快就会与Chris Evans一起使用。有个计划续集,但也,她和克里斯在瑞安戈萨琳一起主演灰色的人对于netflix。射击应该在本月开始。你可以想象?

最近的发型虽然现在采取了新的含义,不是吗?理发:八卦准确的八卦 - 手表或碰撞?lol赛事中心