After confirming their relationship in Cannes a couple of weeks ago, Bella Hadid and her boyfriend, Marc Kalman are now in New York. They were photographed out for lunch yesterday and at one point Marc was photographed photographing Bella, a true Instagram boyfriend. I haven’t seen this show up on her feed or stories yet so maybe this is for the personal collection, although the outfit is so good, it should be up on social media.

I mean, I know it’s not the kind of outfit Bella typically makes headlines for but this is the new street style. I love the cut of this tank top and where it falls to the waist. But mostly, it’s the dad shorts. Right? With the pleats and the width and dropping to the knees – and then with the socks and the sneakers. Of course you have to be a f-cking model to make this fashion. That said, I kinda want to try it because… comfortable!

Also, note the hairband. It’s one of those stretch comb hairbands that we olds used to wear in the 80s and 90s and they started showing up on the runway at fashion shows around 2017/2018. I don’t hate the look…but you know what the problem is? They hurt! At least that was my experience. They hurt behind the ears, the way a lot of headbands hurt, but also they pull. If your hair gets caught awkwardly in the teeth it’s the worst. So my point is, I’ll take the dad shorts over the hairband.