
位于多伦多的热门文档节是北美最大的纪录片节日。人工不朽,通过屡获殊荣的加拿大电影制片人Ann Shin,昨天开了2021年的热门文档。这部电影是关于技术进步如何使人类实现数字不朽。We can’t live forever but our emotions, our perspectives, and our memories, which of course shape our personalities, can be stored and then transferred into a virtual facsimile of you that can then “live” on in a robot that could, one day, respond like you, behave like you…be you? I think? I mean it’s a lot of mindf-ck science that I’m still trying to wrap my head around but the point is… it’s already happening. And in人工不朽,Ann Shin investigates just how far along the artificial intelligence process really is (answer: they’ve done a lot more than you want to believe) and puts herself in the middle of this ethical dilemma – will humanity’s pursuit of the eternal actually enhance the human experience or will this actually lead to the end of human existence?



还要读到变化ann shin的新面试关于她的电影和她在15年前成立的女性LED生产公司的发展项目,她通过FORMOM电影组。她是加拿大最周到和最有才华横溢的故事者和她的新书之一,最后的流亡者,也刚刚本月早些时候发布。

