Baz Luhrmann’s猫王premiered at Cannes earlier this week to a big reaction. So far, the 12-minute standing ovation that the film received is the longest of the festival this year and as I mentioned in我昨天对首映的报道,已经说过,奥斯汀·巴特勒(Austin Butler)的表现可以争夺奥斯卡最佳男主角。我的意思是,我们距离这还有很长的路要走,但是竞选活动可以并且确实从戛纳开始(Parasite, for example), and it’s not like the Academy and the Oscar show producers and ABC, the broadcast network, wouldn’t love if Elvis were in the building. Especially if the movie is a box office hit…which… I think it’s possible.波西米亚狂想曲was a big box office hit and Rami Malek went on to win the Best Actor Oscar for playing Freddie Mercury. Elvis and Austin could follow a similar trajectory, only as part of a film that’s probably a lot more cohesive. Remember there was a director change onRhapsody这部电影是一个脱节的混乱。猫王may not end up being critically acclaimed but it will for sure at least have a consistent vision. Which is to attack your vision with Elvis Presley spectacle and glitz and over-the-top everything, LOL. And also… the beauty of Elvis portrayed through the beauty of Austin Butler.

为此做好准备。奥斯汀·巴特勒(Austin Butler)即将成为许多人的问题。他已经对我来说已经是个问题了,我什至还没有看过这部电影。我这样做的那一刻,我已经可以感觉到了 - 在我看着华金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)成为约翰尼·卡什(Johnny Cash)之后,我会像猫王一样痴迷他。这是一种强烈的全身迷恋 - 我们将在与奥斯汀的社交媒体时代共同体验。

因此,这是在疯狂之前,在英国GQ的封面上。这是他职业生涯中第一次获得这种个人资料,并以这种新闻方式获得了您的领导华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)希望成为本赛季最大的非苏福兰夏季大片之一。

至于采访,关于奥斯丁的角色深入的很多事情已经做了很多猫王. His actual speaking voice has changed because of猫王,人们抓住了晚会,和制作h he doesn’t deny, and since it’s happening right at the beginning of his ascent to mega stardom, it’s probably less of an issue than it would be if this were to happen deeper into his fame when more people are familiar with him. He also tells British GQ that he had to be hospitalised after filming because he became so consumed with the work…and that also could be a total side-eye, given how exhausting it’s been to hear story after story of Jared Leto and his method f-cksh-t.

但是奥斯汀并不是贾里德·莱托(Jared Leto),至少现在不是。我们听到的有关贾里德·莱托(Jared Leto)和他的“过程”的故事不仅仅是过程如何消耗他的方式,而且还涉及他的过程如何侵犯其他必须与他合作的人的过程。他的过程中断了他人的过程。进行完整的方法或其他方法是一回事。当您完成完整的方法时,这是另一回事,其他人必须一起玩并获得F-CKING轮椅,以便他们可以将您运送到浴室,因为您正在举起生产。

这不是奥斯汀 - 我们知道这不是奥斯汀,因为除了谈论他的过程以及他对此的不知所措外,他还​​透露了他对建议。这意味着,尽管他有自己的过程,但它并没有使他脱离合作。奥斯汀告诉GQ,他想向汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)学习,他不仅要求汤姆(Tom)寻求指导,而且还谨此。

I’m way less annoyed, and actually not annoyed at all, when I’m hearing about Austin’s process alongside details about how much he respects the work of those who’ve been doing it a lot longer than he has and doesn’t think his way is the best and only.

说到最好的是,还有另一个奥斯卡奖得主对奥斯丁产生了影响 - 他与奥斯汀的经历是如此积极,他实际上是代表他讲话的。那将是无与伦比的丹泽尔·华盛顿。


The support didn’t stop there. As Baz Luhrmann tells it:

“I get a phone call out of the blue from Denzel Washington, who I did not know. Denzel Washington just said, in the most incredibly emotional and direct way, ‘Look, I’ve just been on stage with this young actor. I’m telling you, his work ethic is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen anyone who devotes every single second of their lives to perfecting a role.’”

丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)并不容易留下深刻的印象。而且他是丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington),他不会只为任何人打电话。他了解自己的话的重量和认可的价值。他个人,没有被要求,认可了奥斯丁·巴特勒。

因此,要回到奥斯汀,必须在工作后住院猫王打开和关闭了将近两年……好吧……是的。我认为这不一定是关于他的方法,我认为这一定是压力。想象一下,从丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)获得大型超级巨星突破性角色的认可 - 谁不会每天都从压力中崩溃,因为您知道您必须达到期望?最重要的是,您正在玩​​猫王Presley!


也附加了 - 更多的奥斯丁猫王昨天在戛纳电影节中的照片。