Last night, Lainey texted me about writing a followup on Armie Hammer’s DMs (catch up onmy first piece here) and I had to ask her what was new. She sent me a link on the cannibalism DMs and I was like oh ya, I read about him wanting to cook skin. As if that’s a normal gossip story?!

As I wrote in my first post, the discussion around these DMs should be separated from kinks (and kink shaming), which are also separate from the abuse allegations. There are several things at play here: kink is still seen as taboo and having these messages leaked could cause harm (the same way nude leaks are meant to harm female celebrities). The flipside is that leaking the DMs is a way for these women to protect themselves from a rich and powerful celebrity.

But there are allegations of different kinds of mistreatment perpetuated by Armie, from not respecting boundaries and safe words to manipulation to outright abuse. Though I am not at an expert about the kink community, I do remember that some of the criticism around50级灰度was that consent is not enough. The BDSM community takes these conversations incredibly seriously, as they should. In a Globe and Mail piece written byCharyn Pfeuffer in 2017, this stood out for me: “在她的节目中,性变得真实,[播客主持人黎明]塞拉经常讨论两个核心BDSM关于同意的核心信念的重要性和实用性:所有行为都应该是安全,理智和同意的,或者是SSC,并且每个人都应该练习风险意识了解风险共识的扭结或架子。”The BDSM community already suffers from stigma from a sex-negative society that has not figured out how to talk about consent as a nuanced, ongoing conversation, so I can absolutely understand the frustration of those who don’t want Armie Hammer lumped in with their community.

Some tweets I’ve seen point out that, based on the DMs, Armie isn’t practicing his kink in a safe and consensual way. Again, I would defer to his partners on that. Writer Jessica Ciencin Hernandez,谁在九月约会, is private on Twitter (at the time of writing this) but before she locked her account, she had a tweet that read,“If you are still questioning whether or not those Armie Hammer DMs are real (and they are) maybe you should start questioning why we live in a culture willing to give abusers the benefit of the doubt instead of victims."There is这里的屏幕截图.

Last night, DeuxMoi posted this about the forthcoming emotional, physical, and mental abuse allegations.

DeuxMoi Instagram story

如果我们从流行文化的角度看待这一点,那么覆盖范围很少。在撰写本文时,人或美国每周一无所有,E! had a basic story on it,包括一个指控,即原始帐户之一(@houseoffefee)承认伪造它,但随后发布了“我伪造”的屏幕截图是假的。令人困惑。


But the problem with social media is that there’s so much noise, particularly around celebrities, so many people skim the “Armie Hammer’s NSFW DMs leaked” headlines and move on. Even the “cannibal” headline in The Sun, which would usually be a huge story, is not getting a lot of play.

如果希望这消失在剧中,时机his side. There’s so much news right now, from the upcoming inauguration in the US to the COVID surge to the Oscars. He’s one big celebrity divorce announcement away from being totally out of the conversation. That is totally wild, considering it’s cannibalism and allegedly abusive behaviour and/or alleged violence, which I feel should get at least some attention?!



Deux Moi Instagram story

So far, his team hasn’t said a word and he has shown some restraint by not going on Twitter (which is interesting, considering a story on his career in Buzzfeed once led to him delete his account). The current strategy could just be to wait it out, hoping the story dies and that a bigger piece from a publication (like the LA Times or New York Magazine or Washington Post or The New York Times) isn’t forthcoming. They could outright deny the DMs are his and/or lean into the “I’m being kink shamed” line of defence. He could go into treatment or rehab (to address the misconduct allegations). There’s also the chance that he goes full Armand and tries to make a bad joke out of it or gets huffy in the comments.

The silence has been uncharacteristic for him and I wonder if there’s a longshot strategy at play here. He’s in the Cayman Islands with his family – could a reconciliation with his wife be at play? I know it sounds totally farfetched but have you seen it out there? 2021 is wild.