早在三月,国际妇女节时期,安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)就在也门,作为与难民署的合作的一部分三天会议这两个国家都在国内流离失所,也是该国北部和南部的难民。”六个星期后,这次访问了乌克兰的利维夫。她的外表令人惊讶,我在Twitter上发现了这一点,因为她在周六的照片和视频开始在社交媒体上流传了几个小时。


这不是HUNRC协调的旅行。正如她的好朋友和上议院成员的长期合伙人Arminka Helic所解释:

私人任务可能意味着安吉丽娜(Angelina)亲自组织和资助了它,因此将包括与指南和翻译人员协调,当地的倡导者设立会议,雇用视频工作人员记录这次旅行,以及其他必要的参与者,需要订婚的其他必要的参与者完成SH-T。Of course she’s aware of her profile and how her presence can attract eyeballs to the situations and the issues she’s trying to highlight but for her, always, it’s also being informed, hearing from people first-hand what their experiences are so that she can in turn share them on her platforms. Sometimes at personal risk. She’s spending financial and emotional energy in a warzone after all. And at one point during the mission, this happened:


是的,她是一个名人,意味着,是的,她understands the power of media and her own media power. But there’s nothing to hate here – she is using it as it should be used in her position. And no doubt at some point soon she’ll be sharing what she’s just learned, through her media connections, in a much bigger way.