
我今天早上读的第一件事是Sine1zplayad O’Connor上的《纽约时报》个人资料。她的回忆录,记住, is due out next month and she finally tells the story about Prince that she’s been promising for a while now, alleging that he “terrorised” her one night to the point where she “escaped on foot in the middle of the night” and then he followed her in his car and ended up getting out and “chased her around the highway”. That’s what will be making headlines today but it’s just one memory in a book that’s clearly bursting with them and one part of a piece, written by Amanda Hess, that adds Sinead O’Connor to the list of famous people whose public narratives we are re-examining in these times through a wider and kinder lens. Should Sinead O’Connor have been vilified the way she was back in 1992?


“奥康纳将自己视为抗议朋克。当她登上流行图表的顶部时,她被困了。她[告诉阿曼达·赫斯(Amanda Hess)]:“媒体让我发疯,因为我的行为不像流行歌手应该表演。”‘在我看来,成为流行歌星几乎就像在某种监狱里一样。你必须成为一个好女孩。’那不是Sinead O’Connor。”

好吧,听起来不太熟悉。正如阿曼达·赫斯(Amanda Hess)所写的那样“奥康纳的回忆录到达了文化似乎渴望重新评估这些古老判断的时代”,因为我们许多人在这个不学习的时刻都在遵守态度,观点和我们自己。尽管如此,阿曼达继续“这些文化重新评估的时刻可能会授予安慰奖;过去判断的后果永远无法真正扭转。”

In Sinead’s case, this has resulted in exile – socially imposed on her initially and now, seemingly, self-imposed and while she tells Amanda that she prefers to be alone, Amanda notes “complex post-traumatic stress has translated into agoraphobia, and her life circumstances have not always allowed for people to stay close”. Which is why it’s so beautiful and heartbreaking too that these days, for the first time in literally decades, she has friends. Friends who bring over fresh-baked bread. Friends who have her back. Friends who just want to hang out and talk. “It’s lovely having friends,” she says. And it really, really is. To the point where it might actually be a human right. So it’s all the more tragic that it’s only something she’s experiencing now for the first time as an adult.

如果您还没有,请前往纽约时报阅读Amanda Hess的Sinead O’Connor的出色资料

