好吧,我们期待一首民谣,我们得到了民谣。阿黛尔(Adele)的新单曲“ Easy On Me”,这是她六年来的第一首歌,以及她即将发行的专辑的主角30,,于11月19日到期,昨晚掉落 - 她透露在她的双流行访谈中,她在过去几年中所经历的痛苦,损失和自我发现。就像阿黛尔(Adele)的音乐一样,人们现在正在将自己的痛苦和损失以及对自我发现的希望与她的希望联系起来。所以有很多哭泣。当歌曲掉下来后,当我们来回发短信时,我们的网站经理艾米丽(Emily)写道:“我很想再次见到她,哭了三个小时”。

Xavier Dolan导演了“轻松的我”音乐视频,他还在“ Hello”视频中导演了阿黛尔。连接不是微妙的。这两个视频均在魁北克的同一地点拍摄。第一个视频是到达,新视频是一个离开……和一个开始。



同样,但是我们对此Adele复出的声音与众不同。相同,但不同的是视频,设置以及故事带给我们的地方。同样的版本也适用于该版本:阿黛尔现在住在洛杉矶,但她是英国人,这就是为什么“轻松对我”在10月15日午夜在英国发行的原因,因此它仍在10月14日在北美发行。同样,但她的外表也不同。我们都知道“不同的”出现在哪里,但是有著名的黑色液体眼线笔,有弹性的蜂蜜色调,那些指甲,甚至是她的风格 - 也是如此。“ Hello”中的女人和“ Easy On Me”中的女人,她是可以识别的,她经历了一些SH-T,但她仍然是那个人。她听起来像那个人。

Same, but different – of course this is an Adele song, with all the Adele characteristics: the balladry, her voice, the schmaltziness with the hand gestures and the Big Note Moments…only this time she’s not singing about someone breaking her heart, she’s singing about breaking someone else’s heart, and her own in the process. That’s not just her ex-husband, but also her son. As she shared with Vogue, her son had a hard time with the divorce. So these lyrics can go in multiple directions: to her ex-husband, to her child, but also to herself. The same, but different. As Xavier said, Adele has evolved and Adele has “remained faithful” to her “dearest themes”.




我知道我们谈论艺术家的成长和做新事物,但艺术家首先必须在自己的地方见面。If this is the album that is the most personal to Adele where she is right now, she’s the one who has to find the “same” in the “different” first, and in many ways, that requires a lot more growth than scratch-jumping right into unfamiliar territory. There will be time for disco and club beats on the next album.