
但幸福的生活很快就结束了。很久以前就消失了。所以他一边工作,一边躲起来。当然,他可以一个人住在豪华的房间里。而不是睡在酒店套房,虽然他们肯定有预算,但他是在他朋友的沙发上。他的最好的朋友。你以为会赞同他的关系的人。但就连他最好的朋友也认为他的女朋友疯了。她也明白他为什么要躲起来,躲在她不容易找到他的地方。显然,这种事一直都在发生。 She’s obsessive about calling around, looking for him, haranguing anyone she can to ask where he is, what he’s doing, why he hasn’t texted her back. Two sources confirmed to me that she’s been delayed on set a few times because she’s been shouting down the phone at someone in her trailer, demanding they track him down for her. And so, at a time when they’re supposed to be celebrating, he’s far away, enjoying his freedom for a few weeks. Is this what it’s going to be for a lifetime?