美国周刊的新封面有了新的独家:哈里王子上周末实际上是在多伦多的梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle),就像有消息打破他们正在约会的消息一样。就像我一样发表于星期一,英国的《每日快报》是第一个报道哈里和梅根是一回事。同样在周一,据报道,哈利本来应该在周日飞往多伦多,但由于所有注意力 - 转移而取消了他的航班。据《美国周刊》报道,哈利已经在多伦多,周五与一名保镖一起飞行,而不是他通常的两人,然后直接从机场前往梅根的公寓。因此,宫殿很可能故意向英国媒体泄露有关周日这次航班抛弃他们的信息,让他们认为哈利仍然在伦敦,以便他可以享受在多伦多的住宿。

显然,梅根(Meghan)已经在9月和他来到多伦多之前在伦敦的肯辛顿宫(Kensington Palace)和哈利(Harry)一起度过秘密时光。美国周刊说,当她在伦敦时,先前的报告她遇到了威尔和凯特,以及查尔斯王子,梅根和哈利也与尤金妮公主和她的男朋友约会。因此,她被介绍给他的内心圈子。

我从英国消息人士那里听说,哈利实际上是在八月份告诉了他的顾问团队有关梅根的信息。这说明这绝对是一种关系。通过让他们知道她的生活,他想准备保护她。Already some UK outlets have been going through her history and sensationalising her background so it’s probably not surprising that Harry’s team is letting some information out through American publications, perhaps sending a message through to the papers in England that they’re not going to get any cooperation if that’s how they’re covering the story. And that too is interesting because it’s an early indication of how Harry wants Meghan to be treated. We’ve already seen this with how William tried to protect Kate. And if Harry’s playing the same moves on Meghan’s behalf this early in their situation, that’s probably also a strong indication of how he feels about her. He accessed his resources and gave a heads up to his staff over two months ago and now they’re mobilising, likely at his request, in her favour. Remember, as he’s said repeatedly over the last few years, he knows that whoever he dates faces an enormous amount of pressure and would have a lot to take on, something none of his previous girlfriends wanted any part of. So Harry is particularly sensitive to them being “scared off”. If he’s engaging his team this early, again, that’s a sign that his relationship with Meghan has some potential. And this is only phase one. More to come soon.