It’s been exactly a year since贾斯汀比伯said sorry over and over again. It’s also been almost exactly a year since你现在在哪里被发布,开始了一次重大的职业重新开始,使他从少年男孩唱男孩粉碎的歌曲转变为俱乐部人群的年轻朋克唱歌。无论您是否想承认,目的is a really good album. And now JB is on tour. This is what I wrote about JB last month after the BRITs – original article ishere:

(It’s been) the culmination of a plan that began a year ago with an endless apology, building toward the album that not only saved his career, but elevated it to another level. So does he stay this well-behaved when he starts going out on tour?

引用自己是超级吹牛和粗暴的,这就是我刚刚做的。在这种情况下,这甚至可能是毛茸茸的,因为这个周期是可以预见的。高潮,低点,救赎,冲洗和重复。贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)昨晚宣布,他将取消所有聚会并与他的粉丝打招呼:

Love u guys.. I'm going to be canceling my meet and greets. I enjoy meeting such incredible people but I end up feeling so drained and filled with so much of other people's spiritual energy that I end up so drained and unhappy.. Want to make people smile and happy but not at my expense and I always leave feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression .. The pressure of meeting people's expectations of what I'm supposed to be is so much for me to handle and a lot on my shoulders. Never want to disappoint but I feel I would rather give you guys the show and my albums as promised. Can't tell you how sorry I am, and wish it wasn't so hard on me.. And I want to stay in the healthy mindset I'm in to give you the best show you have ever seen ;)

A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

Basically, hanging out with his fans before and after his shows is exhausting and sometimes depressing because it’s draining having to be the recipient of all those feelings, so many feelings, and he feels feelings so much more than anyone else. Kind of eye-rolly, for sure. But it’s not like he could tell them they’re crazy. Think about who these people would be. Think about TwiHards. Think aboutBenedict Cumberbatch’s CumHards. Think about the people who lost it onCharlie Hunnam几周前的女友 -click here为了复习。我曾经告诉过你多年了!贾斯汀·汀布莱克’s secret baby mother? She’d created an email address for him. And would forward me messages from this fake email address, emails they’d exchange about their child, he’d write how much he loved her, and their family, and express his anguish over having to fake a relationship with杰西卡·比尔(Jessica Biel)。创造了这一幻想的许多工作。现在想象一下,给那个人几千美元花在见面和问候上,他们有机会接近靠近?

当然,这是一个下一个疯狂的层次,但是即使是在名人时代最多花那么多钱的想法也很奇怪,不是吗?Starlee Kine于去年对此进行了播客Britney SpearsMystery Show。她付出了机会,让布兰妮在后台握手。她描述体验的方式正是Instagram时期的经验 - 非个人化和过滤。也相互剥削。Because on some level, the way it works with social media, while the celebrity is profiting from you, aren’t you using them in return to brag to your followers about having 1. had the money to be able to do that and 2. being in their presence?

Word is, part of the reason JB cancelled the meet and greets was also for security. According toTMZ(and remember, TMZ has been exchanging pro-JB storylines for years now –click hereif you missed The New Yorker piece) there was a security breach on Monday when someone on his “watch list” somehow made it within 10 feet of him. Fans have also apparently pulled his hair and ripped his clothes. From that perspective, I’m not sure I can blame him for not wanting to be part of that kind of environment. Which, by the way, should give you some insight on someone likeTaylor Swift。目前,没有人比泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)比粉丝和行业(广播玩家,唱片公司高管及其家人)更好地在见面和打招呼。泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)有一个齿轮/开关/无论您想称呼它,使她能够以某种方式在这种情况下保持不安。如果您是仇恨者,您会在这里说那是因为她是一台机器人机器,因此不值得赞扬。如果您不是仇恨者,则可以将其归因于她的重点,雄心壮志,坚定的自我管理和心理健康。

How much of this then is about Justin Bieber’s discipline and how much of it is, as he claims, about preservation? Think of what’s required in “preserving” Britney Spears. We’ve already been told that he was taking Adderall on and off –click here为了复习。He has anxiety. He doesn’t sleep. There’s a mystery doctor he’s been seeing in New York. Caity Weaver was telling us something在她的GQ作品中。而且她太优雅了,无法超级吹牛和毛骨悚然。她向我们展示了警告信号。

You could argue then that this decision by JB and his management – if you take the explanation at face value – is in service of JB’s mental health, and we all need to work more on making mental health just as much of a priority as physical health.



Love u guys.. I'm going to be canceling my meet and greets. I enjoy meeting such incredible people but I end up feeling so drained and filled with so much of other people's spiritual energy that I end up so drained and unhappy.. Want to make people smile and happy but not at my expense and I always leave feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted to the point of depression .. The pressure of meeting people's expectations of what I'm supposed to be is so much for me to handle and a lot on my shoulders. Never want to disappoint but I feel I would rather give you guys the show and my albums as promised. Can't tell you how sorry I am, and wish it wasn't so hard on me.. And I want to stay in the healthy mindset I'm in to give you the best show you have ever seen ;)

A photo posted by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on

Look at her face.

很难证明否认这一点(以及这样的时刻)在将来,不是吗?特别是因为我们经历了贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)的混蛋时期。贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)有权。贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)忘恩负义。这些品质只会通过隔离而加剧。像贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)这样的明星变得越来越被封闭和删除,被“是”的人包围着,被其他高度特权的人包围着,也没有争论它扭曲了观点。如果贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)不再接触公众和常规的非著名联系,以保护他的理智,那么他的观点会怎样?

This is the push and pull of fame. We’ve already seen that fame arrests development, often stunting a person at the age (of maturity) that it arrives. Fame takes its toll, and it necessitates retreat. But that retreat can also be a barrier to growth. In these conditions, how does a fully formed person emerge?