

重要的日子。首次尝试扩展。#EtalkRedCarpet #oscars

Elaine Lui(@laineygossip)共享的帖子1zplaylol赛事中心

我一直认为这是您刚刚塞进自己的马尾辫的预设马尾辫。But apparently if you want it done properly, you wrap all that hair around your own ponytail and stick a thousand pins into it and make sure that your own hair and the extensions mix together well so that you can’t see where one ends and the other begins. And that’s how an extra extra extra long ponytail happens. Extra extra extra long like down to your ass. If you want a ponytail that goes to your ass, your hair basically has to grow to almost your knees to account for the length you lose when you put it up. To consider: it’s HEAVY. Especially if you want it pulled super tight. It’s not just the weight of the hair but also the weight of the pins and the pins sticking into your scalp. I had to pop a couple of Advil before Jordy started working and a couple more later on to prevent a headache.

