Business first.Drakepreviously told us that his new album,More Life, which he described as a “playlist”, was due this month.As I wrote last week, there are fewer and fewer favourable dates to release an album this month. This weekend, his manager announced thatMore Lifehas beenpushed back to January. OK but then… maybe don’t promise it before it’s ready!? Remember when he was at the American Music Awards last month and he was all big and bad with that warning?

I mean, it was already aggressive, trying to release a second album in one year. The payoff there, of course, would be how prolific he is, how much Drake can produce, so much more than so many other artists, in such a short time. But… where is it?

Whatever. That’s not the story anymore. Because like all brilliant media manipulators, while he was letting us know about theMore Lifedate change, Drake also let us know that he was in Vegas at the JLO show:

确定我'll hold your diamond encrusted fitted while you catch this Vegas body #Jenny

A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

And then this:

<-------- Lotta those

A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

Which resulted in all kinds of “GOSSIP GENIE!” messages on my Instagram.


It would be great for gossip. On so many levels. There’s also a Diddy connection here too, right?JLOand Diddy have history. Diddy and Drizzy also have history.Diddy put a fist to Drake’s facea couple of years ago. And they made upa few months agobut… you know how it can be when a girl gets involved.

Also, I buy – and love – that Drake is into older women. But JLO is a relationship-commitment-instant love kind of girl. We know this. I f-cking wish she’d do more temporary flinging. But that girl, she loves love. Look at her caption! If he’s in, he has to be IN.More Lifefor JLO means a future.

Look who rolled up to my show tonight to say hi!! @champagnepapi #lovehim #jlovegas #ALLIHAVE

A photo posted by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on