Last we heard of Tom Cruise he was working on顶级枪:小牛直到2020年7月才到期。正如我们在过去十年左右的时间里所看到的那样,汤姆将出现几个星期来宣传电影,但否则却保持着深层的秘密工作,而且是科学的。如今,他在公开场合谈论的科学教堂并不多,但是据说他在科学学总部做了很多时间……

我真的不知道如何完成这句话。托尼·奥尔特加(Tony Ortega)确实如此。本周早些时候,托尼(Tony)在他的网站《地下掩体》(The Underground Bunker)上透露,他收到了一份电子邮件新闻通讯的副本,该副本已发送给汤姆(Tom)和妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)的女儿伊莎贝拉·“贝拉(Isabella“ Bella” Cruise)撰写的Scientology会员资格。贝拉和她的兄弟康纳(Connor)和他们的父亲一样,也保持超级低调。这就是为什么托尼如此惊讶的原因。多年来,人们一直在猜测他们与母亲的关系,以及科学学是否介于他们之间。贝拉(Bella)和康纳(Connor)似乎更接近汤姆(Tom),但直到现在,他们很少公开认同并宣布对科学学的忠诚。


This journey started with my training, and even that was a bullbait. I knew I needed it but every fibre of my being fought me on it. Said I was the PC, that if I did it I’d get nothing from it and many more delightful little criticisms.

WTF is “said I was the PC”? It sounds like a song lyric to a rap song. Does Scientology have a rapper?


See what I mean? What does it mean if someone is the “BIs”? If someone goes to a Goop summit and doesn’t buy into the labia steaming and ear wax teas, are they the “BIs”?


当您是科学学家时,您是否可以提及“主”?她不应该说“ LRH知道我不喜欢它”?

我拖出了测试和校正,只是通过钻探就开始了,然后终于开始了我的审计冒险,哇,我没有做好准备。这就是我一直在寻找的东西。缺失的作品。突然,一切都开始有意义。我的计量...哇。很明显,我实际上知道我的计量。甚至对阅读有任何疑问。我知道这不是读书。当然,关于钻探的美好事物。我觉得正在动摇的技术,即将从我的脑海中消失的边缘成为我的一部分。 I know it. Like really know it to the point that it’s just there man. I never thought I could know something like that.

Correction, drilling, metering, tech…


If you are going to make it as a being for the long run you NEED this. That’s the truth. You won’t stay Clear or OT without it.

“Going Clear” is a familiar expression now由于纪录片“清晰”状态的山达基信徒。“OT” is “Operating Thetan” which is beyond “clear”. Getting to “OT”, as Leah Remini has explained, costs a lot of money and will take you to the promised land. When you get to “OT”, after you’ve spent all that money, you’re supposed to be able to…


没人知道。也许最好的答案是:做汤姆·克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)所做的事情。哪个是……?

Rescue people. Run a lot and fast. Stare intensely. Save the world.

Anyway, as you’ll see, Bella goes on to rhapsodise more about the experience and thank her dad and his sister Cass, her aunt, and the “COB” who is, apparently, David Miscavige, the head of the Church, referred to in their circles as “Chairman of the Board”. Right. That actually makes total sense. Because this dude always just wanted to be an actor, Frank Sinatra.

至于所有这些都在更大的水平上指出的是托尼·奥尔特加(Tony Ortega)The Daily Beast要解释 - 基本上,这表明科学论可能依靠新一代的名人大使。他们可能在贝拉(Bella)的公主中找到了:

“ [贝拉]和康纳都非常安静,”奥尔特加开始说道。“Even Tom—Tom has been very, very quiet for the last few years, and Isabella and Connor have too, and so every six months or so some tabloid will say Tom’s about to leave Scientology, he wants to get back together with Katie, all this garbage.” Ortega would occasionally pick up on evidence to the contrary, “convincing me that Tom is as dedicated as ever—but this is so in your face! I mean, Isabella Cruise doing a promo for the London Scientology Org with a success story about her training…I was just so thrilled to see that she thanks her dad, and her aunt! Her aunt Cass. Because I’ve been trying to tell people that this family is in deep, that they really believe in this stuff. And this is evidence of it.”

Ortega added that this specific type of promo was noteworthy, and possibly suggested a renewed emphasis on training auditors, which has lapsed in recent years. “This is the first time I’ve seen any sort of celebrity really endorsing training in I can’t remember how long,” he continued. “So the fact that Isabella is being used to promote training as an auditor is really interesting to me. A lot of celebrities don’t want the church to use them in this way. So she’s making a conscious decision, that she’s okay with people knowing that she’s really down with this stuff.”

她仍在努力她的服装线BKC,对于贝拉·基德曼·克鲁斯(Bella Kidman Cruise)。她刚刚在四天前在Instagram上发布了此内容:
