There are always those people who talk about change like it’s a degradation of the standard that once was. Sometimes it’s true. Like, maybe your favourite restaurant isn’t the same anymore because they flipped the menu and, sure, that’s fair. But what about the people who complain about the restaurant because the clientele just isn’t what it used to be? Is that like saying the Met Gala is too noisy, and crowded, and you don’t want to go anymore? What’s the subtext in that case? You could say that the subtext is that the “right kind of people” don’t go anymore, right? And then the restaurant actually gets better and that person skulks their way to a corner booth, no harm no foul.

Here’s the thing about the Met Gala – it’s better than it was 10 years ago, it’s better because the guest list is better, it’s better because people like Lupita Nyong’o and Janelle Monae and Michael B Jordan and Priyanka Chopra (even though I didn’t care for her look last night) and Serena Williams are regulars now. It’s better because Tessa Thompson shows up with her hair twisted into a long ponytail that doubles as a whip in one hand and a riding crop in the other. She was serving it all night, snapping it as she posed, mouth opening and closing seductively, knowing that it hurts so good. Tessa wore Chanel. It’s an interesting design. But she elevated Chanel beyond its level by collaborating with her stylists, Wayne Bannerman and Micah McDonald for a look they called “Cha-matrix”, as in Chanel + Dominatrix. Yep, that’s exactly it. But also…deeper. AsMicah told Variety:


I’m sure you know what a whip used to symbolise for a black woman – and what it means to see a black woman reclaiming that symbol, THROUGH FASHION, ahem. So, yes, of course, this was playful and it was campy but it was also purposeful expression, through an outfit. Warrior spirit. Valkyrie spirit.

Would we have expected to see Natasha Lyonne at the Met Gala 10 years ago? Would we have imagined thatRussian Dollwould be one of the best new shows on television? Maybe the best new show on television? If you haven’t watchedRussian Doll但是,F-CK您,我很嫉妒。另外……也许可以释放您的日程安排,因为一旦开始就无法停止。娜塔莎·莱昂(Natasha Lyonne)现在是Sh-t,大都会盛会可能是红地毯奔跑的开始,将她带到艾美奖,金球奖,而下垂是共同创造者,作家,制片人和明星这是本赛季最受广泛赞誉的系列。那么,为什么不穿着鲍伊(Bowie)风格的连身裤露面,头发塑造成三角形,而香烟则塞进了她的透明滴头作为货币呢?放松,我不是在宽恕吸烟,不要吸烟,孩子们,这对您不利 - 我只是说我们不会在艾美奖,地球仪和下垂看到这样的人。通过“这个”,我的意思是坎普,但娜塔莎的时尚个性却浮出达最高,它将在表盘上进行。昨晚是她有史以来最好的。

Last night was not necessarily Kristen Stewart’s all-time best at the Met Gala but by no means was it the worst, nor is that even the point. The point is Duana’s – she saw Kristen and her mind immediately went to Brienne of Tarth, or should I say Ser (this is the correct spelling) Brienne of Tarth,七个王国的骑士. Right?! And from there, my mind went toSnow White and the Huntsman. She was the title character in that movie, ostensibly a princess-to-be-queen but with the heart of a knight. I love that scene where Snow White rides back to the castle to confront Ravenna (Charlize Theron), upending the idea that the lady falls back while her soldiers suffer the hits in her defence. That’s what I see in this her Met Gala 2019 look – Disney princesses have always been camp, and maybe, if we were to check in on KStew’s Snow White now, this is what she would look like.