这不是衣服和配件线。这是一个救济。正如我所期望的那样,所有这些预告片照片泰勒斯威夫特一直在过去几周发布的是视频的视频,这是她新的单身“我!”,来自恐慌的布伦顿尿布!在迪斯科舞厅。我从一家备受尊敬的音乐行业来源听到昨天下午刚刚听到这首歌和他们发给我的描述是“这是一个f-cking smash“。

“我!”确实是“f-cking smash”。正如预期的那样,它正在撕毁图表。该视频已经看过数百万和数百万次。这将使它作为“粉碎”。这就是我的来源是什么意思。“我!”是无线电友好的。它很吸引人。它的氛围与“在2014年摇动”重新开始的同样的方式,第一首歌曲1989年。“摇动它”不是那张专辑的最佳歌,而不是到目前为止。但是这是歌曲泰勒选择开始专辑循环,因为它设置了一个音调,它创造了势头。这就是“我!”在这里做。我们还不知道当专辑将被释放但在出现之后,所有的棉花糖果沉降后,我敢打赌“我!”不会是突出,就像“摇动它”不是突出1989年,the best album of Taylor’s career so far.

In that sense, then, “ME!”, while not a song I want to jam to all weekend, is doing its job – getting stuck in people’s heads, generating all kinds of excitement, with that “me-hee-hee oooh-hoo-hoo” working the way “play play play, hate hate hate, and shake shake shake” did back then.


至于视频 - 嗯,这是一个柔和的爆炸,最明显的可能离开“黑暗”名声时代。这是一个快乐的泰勒,一个打火机泰勒,表现出蛇云的形式,因为她在泡沫的裙子上跳舞时漂浮在她身边。Thanos已经把蛇塞进了一群蝴蝶,因为快乐的泰勒做得勉强勉强,现在都是关于爱的,在复活节色的仙境中为她的粉丝充满鸡蛋。


和...与NFL可能的合作?Taylor’s interview with Robin Roberts last night aired during the NFL Draft leading many to speculate whether or not she’ll be the Super Bowl Halftime headliner in 2020. It’s one of the few “majors” she’s yet to achieve – because the halftime show is Pepsi and Taylor’s been aligned with Coca-Cola. It’s been a while though since Taylor’s done anything with Coke so if that deal has expired, yeah, of course the NFL would want her. She’s probably been at the top of their list for years. At this point, though, I wonder if they need her more than she needs them. To be able to say she’s done it? Sure. But what does that really mean anymore? The prestige of being the Super Bowl halftime headliner is not what it once was.

我想如果她没有说。或者……也许这:我瞧ve it if she said yes, and brought out the Dixie Chicks. The Dixie Chicks sang the American national anthem at the Super Bowl in 2003. About a month later, they criticised George W Bush. And you know what happened after, the backlash, the threats, the abuse. From probably many of the most hardcore fans of the Super Bowl. So, yeah, imagine if that’s the plan? If a couple of minutes through Taylor’s halftime show, she brings on Natalie, Martie, and Emily, similar to the way Beyoncé stood with them在乡村音乐奖并让他们全力支持了这件念头?我想我会为此注册。你?

附件 - 泰勒奇特粉丝在纳什维尔昨天在另一天留在纽约的公寓。1zplay