
…and they have other benefits.

好吧,不是,还没有 - 但是你看到了Parasite赢得最佳合奏?


他们仍然被称为“Parasite’, but Lainey had a revelation about Choi Woo-shik that led us to yet another angle on why this South Korean movie making such a big splash is a step forward for the industry in general – plus, how director Bong Joon-Ho is essentially Spicoli fromRidgemont High的快速时间...或者也许是Stifler。

然后是布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)展示你的工作因为坦率地说,他很少让我们看到他的作品。但这正在随着他一直为他的一系列最佳支持演员而赢得的录取演讲而改变曾几何时…在好莱坞


这让我们想知道他是一个人还是与笑话作家进行过这些演讲?可以肯定地说,这些不仅是现行的言论,而且……也许这更好吗?如果布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)知道他可能会继续赢得胜利,他应该为这些情况做准备吗?我们可以从中得到什么?

Then, our personal obsession with all things Beyoncé became a case study on the weekend with the drop ofIVYPARKxAdidas。是的,我们痴迷地发表了狂热和发短信,并给了贝伊更多的钱,这并不是我们根本后悔(强制性的“不要在我们之后寄给贝尔希夫”,而是……而是……而是……而是……


First there was the online drop, which trended worldwide and predictably broke the internet… at least for those who were waiting in the undefined limbo of the ‘等候室’。And admittedly, we’re not devoted sneakerheads who obsessively follow each drop, so it’s possible this is just how it goes, and the online frenzy was also possibly (i.e. almost definitely) designed to create more buzz, but did excitement spill over into straight-up frustration?

不过,这甚至不是ivyparkxadidas跌落的最大问题 - 大量奉献的碧昂斯球迷被摧毁了,学习了这条线only went up to size XL鉴于包括碧昂斯(Beyoncé)的作品和品牌如何,尤其是在令人惊叹的服装中,这尤其令人惊讶归乡,哪个caught our eye last spring

What gives? Was thisa poor business decision?在发布之前的几天里,有很多关注的艾维公园,但几乎没有寄出任何大橙色盒子大小的名人


一些顾客说,尺寸并不那么清楚,/或和/或某些大小的身体可以容纳(请在我最喜欢的新最喜欢的Amina Cocoa发现的第一片视频中享受20:50sweatshirt’s features)….



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