周四,televisi最大的节目之一上aired its final episode, and it was everything. I ugly cried both during and after that finale, and I’m still not okay. Fans knew this day was coming, but ending the show was always going to be a herculean task. How do you conclude a friendship like Abbi and Ilana’s in a way that’s true to the show’s brand, but also funny and satisfying for the viewer?

宽阔的城市一直是一系列违反期望和定义的系列。它的前提似乎很简单:两个居住在纽约的妇女。1zplay但是,主要区别宽阔的城市是阿比(Abbi)和伊拉娜(Ilana)的友谊的电力 - 这种关系经常与罗姆(Romcom)的强度和对爱的重视相比。大西洋写道an excellent article on this。该节目还大为违反了性别规范。在她的书中妇女不守规矩的崛起和统治,安妮·海伦·彼得森(Anne Helen Peterson)写道:

Whereas in most shows, a character like Abbi would take on the role of Ilana’s centering force, the foil that reminds her how to behave like a good girl, in Broad City, Ilana’s dick-swinging bravado is the magnetic force: instead of shutting it down, it activates Abbi’s own swagger, pulling her past her typical timidity into a confidence usually reserved for men.

The finale worked, largely because the lead-up to it was so well done. In earlier episodes, Abbi starts to imbibe the confidence Ilana constantly pumps her up with. There’s a line in莫莉沿着,倒数第二集,阿比说:


最好的友谊是你们彼此发展的友谊,这个最后一个赛季强调了两个角色如何在彼此的帮助下发展。伊拉娜(Ilana)通过帮助海梅(Jaime)来发现她作为未来治疗师的“职业”道路。她还意识到自己与林肯的关系很好,但这不适合她 - 没关系。阿比探索了她的性行为。她还意识到,为了真正追求自己的梦想,她也需要完全致力于他们,即使这意味着要在全国各地移动并留下唯一的最好的朋友。这些是巨大的生活决定,但几乎每个人都必须做出的决定。

Abbi and Ilana grow constantly together and amidst incredible, hilarious, and downright ridiculous “shenanigans.” The show has also brought us along this journey, making us almost feel like the third “invisible” friend. The magic of the finale is that it celebrates their friendship but highlights the fact that sometimes, in order to grow, we need to grow separately.


在结局中,我认为当阿比(Abbi)和伊拉娜(Ilana)在布鲁克林桥(Brooklyn Bridge)进行情感交流时,我们所有人都集体吞噬了喉咙的肿块。阿比(Abbi)和伊拉娜(Ilana)是友谊的黄金标准,在他们彼此之间毫不掩饰的爱中,反映了我们自己的关系。在喜剧和令人惊叹的角色的支持下,该节目的真正吸引力是,我们都希望成为Abbi和Ilana等朋友。再见是可怕的,令人心碎的,实际上被捕捉到了这一集。同时,再见也可以向我们展示我们的纽带的真正牢固,如伊拉娜(Ilana)和阿比(Abbi)的FaceTime几个月后所见。最后的场景在视觉上以缓慢的变焦在纽约展示了其他友谊。1zplay尽管阿比(Abbi)和伊拉娜(Ilana)的友谊是独一无二的,但并不少见。

我需要几个星期才能从结尾处恢复宽阔的城市but this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Glazer and Jacobson. Last year, Comedy Central announced a comprehensive deal with Glazer and Jacobson, extending to all of维亚康姆的电视网络。So far, we know of three projects that they’re working on:美国购物中心由...制作宽阔的城市由Glazer和Jacobson制作的Gabe Liedman,白金状态由格拉泽(Glazer年轻专业人士与Glazer和Jacobson一起担任执行制片人。阿比·雅各布森(Abbi Jacobson)也在开发亚马逊系列与威尔·格雷厄姆(Will Graham)一起丛林中的莫扎特,基于1992年他们自己的联盟​​。她将继续担任Netflix的Bean角色不满。节目是续签第二季,第一季的其余时间定于今年播出。伊拉娜·格拉泽(Ilana Glazer)表演今年6月在旧金山举行的群集Fest。他们的宽阔的城市角色可能已经关闭了一章,但是这两个刚刚开始。