
同样的事情。萝卜戏。It’s been over a month now and just when they thought it would blow over, it keeps coming up again. To be clear, there’s no update from我们上次谈论这个。有些人要么没有听说过它,而另一些人则转发了仍在猜测它的人们的新推文,而且,就像社交媒体上经常发生的那样,漩涡上升了,这次又散发出了更多的灰尘。像往常一样,他们忽略了它。

But maybe it’s worth exploring why people can’t let it go, beyond the fact that this is the most salacious and intriguing royal gossip mystery that we’ve had in years: Princess Kate isn’t friends anymore with Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley – and no one can say why, and everyone’s filling in those gaps. (Also I can now spell Cholmondeley without having to spellcheck so that’s saying something.)

不过,这不仅仅是人们试图嗅出皇家丑闻。这也与皇室成员在过去六个月中如何处理或策划媒体有关。在2018年秋天,在宣布他们期望并在海外进行非常成功的巡回演出之后,众议院萨塞克斯(House Sussex)的压倒性受欢迎程度是不可否认的。然后它开始转弯。查尔斯王子诞辰70岁生日的报道包括有关他的儿子,威廉王子的态度,哈里王子的心情,然后重点转向妻子的细节,并有关于梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)的要求的报道,以及谣言说她和凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)并没有相处。梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)被与凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)进行了不利的比较,这导致了兄弟俩将分开家庭的最初报道。

通过这一切,英国媒体几乎每天都在参加Sh-t,直到今年早些时候,英国媒体似乎与House Cambridge息息相关,直到今年早些时候,她的名人经验通过她的婴儿淋浴和前往纽约的旅行来产生和统治头条。1zplay我认为我不需要从这里重新进行什么。剑桥之家和苏塞克斯郡现在是独立的。苏塞克斯之家在Instagram上。我们听说剑桥大学可能想来自英格兰的萨克塞克斯。然后是苏塞克斯拍了拍。Harry joining Kate yesterday for Anzac Day service didn’t seem to help – people are mad, people are mad because they think William not only hasn’t been supportive of Harry and Meghan but may be working with the very media that’s been unfair to her. And they’re pointing out that while the UK media has been relentless with their sh-tty treatment of Meghan, they’ve remained largely silent over these Turnip rumours, these whispers of an affair. So why the double standard?

基本上,这是蜂拥而至的皇家版本,如蜜蜂,到处都是蜜蜂表情符号,或者到处都是蛇表情符号。那就是我们现在所在的地方。而且,威廉和他的顾问将责怪媒体。当然,其中一部分是媒体偏见。但是,另一部分是朝臣游戏。That sh-t is coming from inside, all this business about discussions as to whether or not Harry and Meghan should be sent abroad, all the leaks coming from senior palace officials, they’re the junior-minds thinking they’re still masterminds, playing a game that’s expired. This might have worked 30 years ago, when Princess Diana was around. It doesn’t work now in the time of social media, in the time of intense fandom and fan armies. They’re showing up in 1970s hockey gear, when goalie pads were the size of a maxi-pad, to play in the NHL playoffs against 2019 teams. It’s embarrassing bad work. And the consequence?
