Miley Cyrus正在重塑……一次。麦莉的新唱le drops this week and in anticipation of its release, she’s on the cover of Billboard. In the interview,上周三发布,麦莉(Miley)的新声音被描述为“ rootsy” - 无论这意味着什么 - 她透露她有目的地与嘻哈和“某些生产者”疏远了:

“……我也喜欢那首新的肯德里克(Lamar)的歌(“谦虚”):“给我看一些自然的屁股,带有一些妊娠纹。”我喜欢那个,因为它不是“坐在我的鸡巴上,吮吸我的C-CK”。我再也听不到了。这就是使我稍微离开嘻哈场景的原因。太多了,“兰博基尼,得到了我的劳力士,在我的C-CK上找到了一个女孩” - 我不是那样。”

She also said this about that time she used black women as props in her music videos.

“It’s mind-boggling to me that there was even a controversy around me having black dancers. That became a thing, where people said I was taking advantage of black culture, and with Mike [WiLL Made-It] -- what the f-ck? That wasn’t true. Those were the dancers I liked!”

Miley has since attempted to clarify these comments by using a variation of the tired “my words were taken out of context” excuse so before I get to her non-apology, I want to put this into context. These quotes need to be digested together because Miley’s current take on hip-hop and her history of cultural appropriation exist in tandem. They are both directly related to her career trajectory. There are a couple of buzzwords that sum up what is going on in these quotes: problematic and privilege –words that are thrown around so often now (mainly because so many public figures are problematic and privileged) that they may make you want to roll your eyes and tune out. A lot of people might chalk this whole controversy up to outrage culture and move on. But Miley’s words here are important because they expose a deeper, unsettling trend among white artists and their exploitation of black culture. We all watched Miley Cyrus use black dancers, rappers, producers and twerking to propel her from Hannah Montana to credible pop star endorsed by prominent members of the hip-hop community like Jay Z, Snoop, French Montana, and Pharrell. According to producing duo Rock City, when Miley was working on her albumBangerz, she specifically asked for, “something that just feels Black。”但是,您知道,这些只是她喜欢的舞者!

麦莉·赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)使用嘻哈音乐和黑色身体创建了叛逆,成熟,性交的女人的形象,并为双铂金销售专辑获得了一张唱片,仅将类型的类型减少到便宜的刻板印象并将其丢弃为一个阶段。麦莉(Miley)如此雄辩地描述的“坐在我的鸡巴上”说唱是她操纵的嘻哈音乐。这也是对整个音乐小节的屈服,该节目被反复用来抹黑嘻哈音乐。当嘻哈行为被选为Rock and Roll Hall of Fame。It’s the same antiquated thinking that led to decades of rappers going overlooked ascredible songwriters

Stereo Williams for The Daily Beast wrote a piece called “Miley Cyrus’ Gross Racial Tourism” in which he expertly breaks down Miley’s ignorance and the pattern of appropriation in pop music.

“Hip-hop is more than gold grills and twerking, but when white pop stars want to push buttons, they are more than happy to latch onto an easy hip-hop caricature to do it… it’s all too easy to appropriate blackness in the most reductive way, then move on when they’ve decided they’re over that particular “phase” of their life and career.”

这就像流行音乐中的仪式。想成长和性感吗?想摆脱那个孩子的明星形象吗?吸引一些黑人制作人,并从目前正在占用该派对说唱空间的任何艺术家播放一节经文。冲洗,重复。然后,当它不再对您有用时,告诉所有人这只是一个阶段。正如威廉姆斯指出的那样,马克·沃尔伯格(Mark Wahlberg)和基德·洛克(Kid Rock)也做了同样的事情。克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera)想到了。

The reaction to Miley’s abandonment of a genre that made her was met with rightful criticism so she took to Instagram to clarify her comments.

When articles are read it isn't always considered that for hours I've spoken with a journalist about my life , where my heart is, my perspective at that time, and the next step in my career. Unfortunately only a portion of that interview makes it to print, & A lot of the time publications like to focus on the most sensationalized part of the conversation. So, to be clear I respect ALL artists who speak their truth and appreciate ALL genres of music (country , pop , alternative .... but in this particular interview I was asked about rap) I have always and will continue to love and celebrate hip hop as I've collaborated with some of the very best! At this point in my life I am expanding personally/musically and gravitating more towards uplifting, conscious rap! As I get older I understand the effect music has on the world & Seeing where we are today I feel the younger generation needs to hear positive powerful lyrics! I am proud to be an artist with out borders and thankful for the opportunity to explore so many different styles/ sounds! I hope my words (sung or spoken) always encourage others to LOVE.... Laugh.... Live fully.... to be there for one another... to unify, and to fight for what's right (human , animal , or environmental ) Sending peace to all! Look forward to sharing my new tunes with you soon! - MC

Miley Cyrus(@mileycyrus)共享的帖子

Insert face palm emoji. First, let’s address the defense that,“只有一部分采访才能打印”她的话受到了轰动。大多数广告牌作品的格式是问答。作者并没有从脱节的声音中推断出含义。上面,我用完整的句子引用了麦莉的答案。在这个澄清帖子中,她从未否认自己说的话。她的帖子的语气与我们从名人搞砸后从名人那里看到的许多言论一致:互联网又疯了!他们的回应是:“为什么这么疯狂的互联网?我只是一个爱所有人的好名人。别再对我这么卑鄙!”“全部”总是在帽子上。Justin TimberlakeEllen Pompeoare some recent examples. In Miley’s case, the emphasis on ALL is a direct slap in the face to the specificity of what she is being called out for. She’s ignoring her exploitation of black culture by saying she only spoke about hip-hop because it happened to be the genre she was asked about,“in this particular interview.”Miley’s first big hits name check Jay Z or were produced by Mike Will Made-It, Pharrell and Timbaland! THIS IS THE GENRE THAT GAVE YOU A POST-DISNEY CAREER. Through black culture, Miley Cyrus was able to carve herself out as pop’s outsider and a nonconformist with genuine authenticity. It worked so well that我买了它。我终于把团队麦莉this bullsh-t. I know you can’t be right all the time and if, let’s say, Miley had gone the Lena Dunham route and actually apologized,owning up to her ignorance,我可能对让我们始终停止陷入困境时可能不会感到内gui。麦莉显然不明白为什么她被要求进行文化占用,但更大的问题是她没有试图理解。她驳斥了一切批评,而不是向她被剥夺的文化成员倾听和学习。

当您能够戴上并取消扭曲的黑色想法时,F-Cking的特权和胆量将自己称为“无国界的艺术家”,这对我来说是惊人的。除了没有说唱之外,麦莉的新形象是清醒和家庭的一种。她回到了一个只想要“团结”的好乡村女孩。广告牌的文章充满了引用,暗示了麦莉希望与特朗普选民融为一体的事实。她为希拉里(Hillary)而死,但现在她很清醒,认为“梅卡(Merica)需要和谐”。另外,如果您想要她所服务的特权,麦莉还想提醒乡村粉丝,她的教母是多莉·帕顿(Dolly Parton),她与乳头馅饼一起完成了。麦莉(Miley)再次为特朗普的支持者而言,放弃了杂草,派对,不修边幅的衣服和嘻哈音乐。看,她干净清醒。随时再次拥抱她。无需害怕。 This is a strategic play for the country base and it’s insulting that rap music is being lumped into the bad habits Miley is shedding now that she’s running through open fields and wearing cowboy boots again. On Thursday, we’ll get to hear the “rootsy” music that is the soundtrack of Miley’s rebrand and see if middle America accepts her back with open arms. If they don’t, how long before she’s running to Migos for some verses?