英国Vogue昨天证实,梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)是有史以来第一个来宾编辑的人the magazine’s September issue. They released the cover featuring the 15 women who are “Forces for Change” and Royal Meghan’s interview with Michelle Obama. One of the women featured on the Vogue cover is Sinéad Burke. Sinéad is a self-described “teacher, writer, broadcaster, fashion-admirer, and advocate for disability and design”. So you can appreciate what it would have meant for her to be on the cover of Vogue, right? She’s an activist AND she loves clothes. What?! You mean you can do both?

由于Vogue和Meghan Markle,现在有更多的人知道Sinéad和她的工作。我知道Sinéad和她的作品,因为我昨天在我的帖子中发布了她的TED演讲,因为我从观看它中学到了多少,这是我在《 Vogue》功能出现后第一次做到的。在我在这个网站上写了有关此信息后,我听到了许多人也第一次见到Sinéad的消息,因为您在这里读到了它。我还听到了来自德国的常规访客JG,他写了以下内容:

非常感谢您在您的英国Vogue Cover Post上强调了SinéadBurke的精彩作品!她是我们圈子中的超级巨星!作为一个5岁女孩的妈妈,辛纳德(Sinéad小人物在过着尊严的生活中遇到的困难。非常感谢您与读者分享这一点!

And a belated thank you for taking out the GMD from your own site vocabulary. Growing up I also used the M word loosely but, as Sinéad says, my vocabulary has evolved as I learned more and I'm glad more and more people are getting this message!

This blog has been around for 15 years and if you started reading back then, you know GMD stands for “Gay Midget Dwarf”, which is how I used to refer to Tom Cruise. Because I was gross, ignorant, offensive. And I don’t think I’ve ever apologised for that so I’d like to do that now: I’m sorry for being gross, ignorant, and offensive, for not knowing better, and for starting to learn too late. To echo JG’s words above, people like Sinéad have taught us that words have evolved, that language should evolve, that our perspectives and considerations should evolve. I have been working on this for the last decade here at LaineyGossip. I have had the privilege of being mentored by patient, wise, and insightful people, many of them who contribute to this site, who’ve helped me grow beyond my own limitations. I am also grateful for those of you who continue to visit and support how collectively we’ve tried to be better and who have tried to be better alongside of us. And this is what Royal Meghan is trying to encourage in Vogue. What could possibly be the downside?

Well apparently there is a downside because the backlash began almost immediately from the usual outlets. The Daily Mail, the Sun, the other British outlets, they came for Meghan’s Vogue issue accusing her of elitism, saying that royals don’t edit magazines, and that royals shouldn’t get political. It is not political to celebrate women who are fighting for equality. Since when is equality political? It is not political to celebrate a woman who occupies the highest office in New Zealand. It is not political to support the advocacy of Sinéad Burke who’s asking designers to reimagine public spaces and resources to accommodate those who are differently abled. It is not political to highlight the success of Laverne Cox, the first openly trans person to be nominated for an Emmy in an acting category and who is fighting for the right of trans people to not be killed. As for whether or not royals should edit magazines:


有趣的是,梅根(Meghan)与米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)谈到了《 Vogue》(Vogue),不仅是米歇尔(Michelle)在杂志中提供的内容,而且是她私下向梅根(Meghan)提供的东西。因为米歇尔(Michelle)将能够看到这一点:梅根·马克尔(Megan Markle)正在接受米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)的待遇。在她的书中Becoming, which we dedicatedalmost an entire episode ofShow Your Workto a few months ago, Michelle reflects on how she was treated during Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, how they accused her of being too strong, too powerful, too angry, too Black.根据大西洋:

These are, of course, concerns that no first lady before Obama had to contend with. No other first lady, or wife of a presidential candidate, has been called “an ape in heels” or parodied as an Afro-rocking terrorist complete with a machine gun.

梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)发现自己处于同一位置,是王室成员的黑人妇女,不得不阅读有关“成为”的头条新闻。直截了当的康普顿”,有一个母亲穿着辫子穿头发。当莎拉·维恩(Sarah Vine)在《每日邮报》中写作“英国人更喜欢真正的特许权使用费,而不是时尚版税”时,她对梅根的意义基本上是“不是你”。毕竟,凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)难道不是在英国时尚的封面上吗?女王坐在时装秀上是否坐在前排?

What’s bittersweet about Michelle Obama’s example is that she survived it because, as she writes inBecoming,黑人妇女从一开始就得知她们必须生存,该系统从未为她们蓬勃发展。当他们确实蓬勃发展时,尽管有可能,但它甚至使现状更加激怒。这就是梅根正在发生的事情。从中获得的积极收获是,这是因为她如此蓬勃发展,因此他们被压迫了。

Bottom line? Racists ruin everything. You know how? Because of all of them, and all this noise, and piling up, we can’t talk about梅根的编辑信which… isn’t well written. “Many moons ago” nearly ended me.