本周早些时候,有72名英国女议员写信给梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle),在英国小报中提供了他们的支持和团结“反对她令人反感和误导”的故事。是国会议员霍莉·林奇(Holly Lynch)领导了这项倡议,昨天她接受了这封信的采访以及为什么她决定出席苏塞克斯郡的原因。她还透露,苏塞克斯郡众议院的梅根(Meghan)打电话给她,感谢她:




如您所知,女王记者坚持认为,他们对梅根的报道并没有种族偏见,他们将偏见的指控归因于互联网上的粉丝的歇斯底里。这里有72名议员,不躲在Twitter上的鸡蛋后面,他们以同样的方式呼唤他们。不确定它会改变他们的想法,但是现在它已被命名并正式印刷在Letterhead上,它肯定会增加梅根的位置。看到各个家庭中的朝臣如何对此做出反应,这将很有趣。They probably don’t like it, and the stuffiest among them will probably say it’s “not royal” to be acknowledging and courting public support but at the same time, they probably won’t be able to deny that this letter, is symbolic of Meghan’s power. This, after all, as it always is at royal court, is about power – accumulating it, managing it, and, sometimes, taking it. These people at the palaces have been playing power games for centuries…but they’ve been playing it by their rules, by old rules. The game has changed though, the moves that used to work for them might not work for much longer - and they might not be able to adapt in time. The Sussexes aren’t just building a case against the tabloids, there’s a growing sense now that they feel unsupported from within. And, sure, while some people might not be onside with the Sussexes, there are going to be those who will be, who’ll see this as an abandonment. Which, of course, evokes the memory of the People’s Princess who also said she felt like they didn’t have her back.



