Scarlett Johansson got stuck in traffic on her way to the New York Film Festival press conference for婚姻故事前几天,她的七分钟缺席只会加强人群对这部电影和她的表演的热情欣赏。她到达后与联合主演艾伦·阿尔达(Alan Alda)的甜蜜拥抱也没有受伤。实际上,整个婚姻故事自从威尼斯首映以来,Cast因其在电影中的作品而受到赞扬职业生涯最佳的狂欢。目前,亚当(Adam)和劳拉(Laura)是各自的奥斯卡类别中的黄金德比领跑者(最好的演员and最佳女配角), and the hype train kept rolling in New York. This cast was in a great mood, and they know they have critical a hit. They're not being cautious with the work, or the film, and seem to be embracing their role as an acting showcase frontrunner this awards season.

Look at the婚姻故事cast celebrating together after the film received an ultra-rare standing ovation at the festival from a typically-fickle crowd:

资深电影业专栏作家马克·哈里斯(Mark Harris)总结了最佳接待:

婚姻故事马丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)的首次爆发之后,标志着Netflix电影的第二次选举首映The Irishman在9月下旬。这两部电影,以及杜勒米特是我的名字and两个教皇,今年是彩带的大竞争者,然后Roma's Oscar success, Netflix is angling for yet another strong showing for these efforts. Writer-director Noah Baumbach is very much on-board, telling The Hollywood Reporter at the NYFF red carpet that Netflix is the "现在拍电影的最佳场所。"

无论您是否相信,它肯定会给斯嘉丽,亚当和劳拉带来批判性赞美的结果。诺亚说,他在撰写电影(新闻发布会13:20)之前就接近他们三个人扮演自己的角色,您可以看到构建每场演出的思想和关心。但这从来没有努力工作。是的,斯嘉丽曾多次说过,在与前丈夫罗曼·杜里亚里亚克(Romain Dauriac)进行离婚和监护权的同时扮演妮可的角色只增强了她的角色。并重新获得任何痛苦或获得个人历史可能会导致斯嘉丽有史以来的第一个提名。

诺亚做什么婚姻故事proves he's a master of details. Nobody does minutia better. The audience is not simply watching Charlie (Adam Driver) and Nicole's (Scarlett Johansson) relationship unravel as they battle it out for bi-coastal custody of their eight-year-old son Henry (Azhy Robertson). Instead, the viewer has their heart pulled out over and over by reliving the intimate ebb and flow of Charlie and Nicole's love story. You can see how effective these portraits are just by watching the "What I love about Charlie/Nicole" teasers Netflix released back in August;click here为了复习。

仅仅因为他们的关系没有解决,并不意味着从来没有爱过那里,但是看着他们逐渐导致他们无法忍受的需求更加令人痛苦导演 - 当他们的律师(Laura Dern,Alan Alda和Ray Liotta)进行竞标时,无助地看着。因此,是的,见证像查理这样的时刻在与准律师会面,最后一刻的万圣节服装计划更改或在调解期间接受午餐订单时,他们努力获得停车场票,只会增加他们“有意识的解偶联”的复杂性。看到法律鲨鱼诺拉(Laura)和Uber-Abrasive Jay(Ray)Kibbitz关于John Legend Charity活动,直到他们的大法庭对抗进一步陷入困境,但该非续顺序会在那里进行,但是那个非遗产是为了进行未决的赌注离婚似乎不太微不足道。婚姻故事is a searing portrait of a relationship in peril that's hauntingly familiar with increasingly high stakes… and it's unshakeable.

作为1zplay莱尼上个月写, Laura totally walks away with the movie though with her turn as Nora Fanshaw, Nicole's attorney. Our introduction to her is pure goals, telling Nicole that she's "sorry [she] look[s] so schleppy" when she's actually wearing a perfectly-tailored splatter paint blazer, black jeans, and a chic white tank. Her posture is just as calculated and as her in-court retorts or cutthroat legal strategy, and yes, her character is (loosely?) inspired by "Disso Queen" divorce attorney Laura Wasser. Interestingly enough, Wasser reportedly represented Laura, Scarlett, and Jennifer Jason Leigh (Noah's ex-wife) in their divorces, so it's no wonder Nora is so fine-tuned as a relentless character withindefatigable posture

But Laura insists she's not playing another version of Renata Klein, tellingThe Hollywood Reporterthat Nora is high-powered, sure, but that she's the "opposite of unleashed" whereas the大谎言CEO is"never" in control。Either way, the Laura-as-Nora GIFs are coming when Netflix releases the film in December, and they'll be as inescapable as the演替饲料上的模因。目前,最好的女配角比赛看起来与劳拉(Laura),詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)一起锁定Hustlers,安妮特·贝宁(Annette Bening)那个报告, and hopefully Zhao Shuzhen forThe Farewell。And Laura appears to have taken a clear lead with months to go before nominations and critics board announcements. An upcomingGotham Awards tribute prize也不伤害。

At the NYFF premiere, Laura brought her daughter Jaya Harper, while Scarlett arrived solo and Adam walked with wife Joanne Tucker. Adam seemed to be in really great spirits all day, considering the marathon of promotion he's been doing not just for this film, but also for那个报告,中间filming in Brussels。His behaviour in New York was a stark contrast from his appearance at TIFF, though. Something must have happened on the Sunday of the festival in Toronto, because Adam was beyond salty with TV press. First, at the TIFF premiere of那个报告,警告出口要保留星球大战或Kylo Ren引用的提问是完全公平的。但是随后,当亚当到达红地毯时,他的联合主演安妮特仍在接受采访时,他在新闻界微风。几个小时后,他在Tiff做了同样的事情婚姻故事首映,再次走过去的新闻declining any additional interviews. Hey, things happen, but he developed a pretty sour reputation among Canadian press that day, so much so that reporter gossip about an "Adam Drive-by" became one of the takeaways of the festival. And yet, none of that attitude was on display at NYFF. At least, from what I saw. He seemed pretty jubilant, actually.(Lainey: Sorry, Toronto, I guess we’re not good enough for Adam Driver?)

Spike Lee还参加了NYFF首映婚姻故事。在红地毯上,他告诉记者,他的黑人党明星亚当是“amazing in everything!NYFF接待证明了嗡嗡声婚姻故事只有在成长,如果态度阻碍了人们认识到一些真正令人难以置信的工作,那将是一个真正的耻辱。