
这就是情况 - 我儿子的足球队的可爱妈妈之一在两周前有一个女婴。他们最喜欢的名字(列表中的名称)是朱迪。但是,她的姓氏与著名女演员相同,她也有名字乔迪(Jodie)。因此,他们害怕使用它,因为他们不希望进行比较。





Of course I want to go into my usual caveats – the people who matter to the child most, i.e. their peers, won’t know or care about Jodie Foster or Jodie Sweetin (or some other actress I’m not thinking of, but I think those two cover it) to have the comparison. Adults may say “Oh, Jodie Foster!”, but adults say a lot of things kids don’t really care about. Growing up my sister had a friend named Fallon, whose parents got the name from a soap opera – but I had to google which one, because kids不在乎(王朝,如果您想知道)。据我们所知,她是唯一要去的法伦 - 如果电视上的一位老太太也有名字吗?

但是我知道这既是名字,又要直接比较。并不是说与任何一个Jodie的比较都不好,但是我可以看到它需要更多的思考,而不是一个名字,例如上周的Evangeline。(Also, if you’re going to email me with “Oh but Jodie Sweetin had some addiction issues!”… yes, and? I mean, first of all, so do millions of people who aren’t well known, and secondly, the operative word is ‘had’, and we know about them because she was open about them and her work in managing them, which is what we encourage people to do, so she’s a role model as far as I’m concerned.)

Saying it’s a mom from your son’s soccer team means that in all likelihood they already have a kid (or more) so people aren’t going to think they’re slavering celebrity fans, and Jodie isn’t a trendy name, so it’s going to feel iconoclastic. I’m not worried about how it will be perceived from the outside, though I get that they may be.

也就是说,有几种减轻这种情况的方法。首先是使用原始拼写“乔迪”。I think the ‘ie’ became popular in the age of boys named Jody, but since it’s not common for either sex these days, I think the ‘y’ spelling can stand happily on its own, and means that when read, as opposed to say aloud, the comparison won’t come up.

下一个 - 我敢肯定他们已经考虑过 - 而是与朱迪一起去。同样的声音,但完全不同,当然也允许正式名称为Judith。我知道这与他们计划的不同之处,甚至可能具有不同的氛围 - 朱迪思和朱迪似乎与作家相比,与运动型的朱迪更有联系 - 但是,如果他们喜欢的话,它就在那里。


但是,如果这种方法吸引人,那么还有一种更迷人的方式 - 乔迪(Jodie)可能是华丽,不寻常的意大利名字乔兰达(Jolanda)的绰号,这将在任何出生证明上都可以很好地获得,并逃避书面比较。或者,就此而言,这可能是乔丹娜(Jordana)的绰号,这是我认为确实是像约瑟芬(Josephine)和威尔希米纳(Wilhemina)一样站立的女性之一。



当他们告诉别人她的名字时,有人说:“哦!Jodie Sweetin/Foster!就像女演员一样!”他们一定不是耸耸肩,看上去很道歉或以任何方式感到尴尬,但带着阳光明媚的微笑点头。“是的,显然这些名字听起来不错!”并继续前进。这里的关键是他们选择了名称,而不是勉强地支持它,因此必须拥有它。他们喜欢它,因此他们也应该像其他人一样行事 - 因为如果不这样做的话,没有人会质疑它。

这里的标题当然是关于“让Bartlett Be Bartlett”的戏剧西翼,我想像您为他们加油打气,并播放胜利的音乐,因为它们前往出生证书办公室(或更有可能,在坐在足球比赛中通过手机提交在线表格)。这是一个不错的选择!他们应该为此感到自豪,我很高兴您能成为告诉他们的人。
